Recording a meeting and where to view it

Creation date: 11/30/2017 5:25 PM    Updated: 11/13/2019 11:02 AM
How to record an adobe Connect meeting:

  1. Go to the Meeting tab on the top right and then select Record Meeting beneath it

  2. A box should appear asking you to name and summarize your recording

  3. After you name the recording hit OK and you should see a red circle appear in the top right of Adobe Connect next to where it says help

  4. To stop or pause the recording, click the red circle and you will be presented with the options to pause or stop the recording

    • Note that you can also go back into the Meeting tab and see the options to pause or stop a recording in the same place that the start recording option was.

How to view recorded Adobe Connect meetings:

  1. Go to the Meeting tab and select Manage Meeting Information

  2. A new tab should open displaying your meeting information

  3. Switch to the Recordings tab and you should see the new recording

  4. To view the recording, simply click on the recording name and you should then see a URL labeled URL for Viewing. Click this and your recording will open and start playing.

  5. If you want a student to be able to watch a recording, you must first make the recording public

  6. To do this, go back to your list of recordings and select the recording you want to make public

    • Note that the default access for all recordings is Private

  7. Once it is selected, click on the Access Type button

  8. You will now see the options to set the access type to Private or Public. You will also have the option to set a passcode if you want.

  9. Select Public and hit save

  10. You can now email your student the URL to the recording and they will be able to watch it