Allow Adobe Flash to run on a site in Chrome

Creation date: 11/16/2018 2:51 PM    Updated: 11/16/2018 2:51 PM   adobe connect flash glt connect settings
If you are experiencing issues with the Adobe Connect Add-in not loading properly, you can try loading the Flash version. To do this, you must first allow Flash to run on the site.

  1. Navigate to your classrooms log in page
  2. Click on the lock symbol located to the left of the URL bar

  3. Figure 1
  4. Click on Site Settings in the menu that appears

  5. Figure 2
  6. In the Site Settings page, you should see at the top. This means you are changing the settings for this page.
  7. On the Site Settings page, locate the Flash setting. It should have a little puzzle piece next to it.
  8. Once you have found the Flash setting, change the drop down menu to say Allow

  9. Figure 3

    Figure 4
  10. These settings automatically save so you can now close out the the Site Settings tab
  11. Back on the Adobe Connect tab, you should now see a grey bar at the top that says "To apply your updated settings to this site, reload this page"
  12. Click on the Reload button
  13. Now launch your classroom and it should load in the Flash version