Change Adobe Connect Bandwidth settings

Creation date: 11/13/2019 1:54 PM    Updated: 11/13/2019 1:56 PM   bandwidth connection connection issues glt connect
If you are experiencing connection/bandwidth problems while using Adobe Connect, changing the following settings may help alleviate the problem.

Video settings

  1. In the Adobe Connect classroom, go to the Meeting tab -> Preferences to open the Adobe Connect Preferences dialog box
  2. In the Preferences dialog box, switch to the Video section
  3. Now locate the Video Quality slider and drag it to the left to reduce the quality of the video being presented to you. Please note that Video is in reference to the webcam video
  4. Lowering the quality of the video will reduce your bandwidth usage and possibly help with fix your connection issues
  5. When you have reduced the quality to your desired setting, click on the Done button to apply your settings and close out of the Preferences dialog box

Screen Share settings

You should only need to change these settings if you use the screen share feature in your classroom. This will not effect the quality of shared documents

  1. Go to the Meeting Tab -> Preferences and then switch to the Screen Share section in the Preferences dialog box
  2. Locate the Screen Share Quality slider and drag it to the left to reduce your quality
  3. Screen sharing is not recommended since it does use a lot of bandwidth. We recommend sharing documents instead. If Screen Sharing is heavily utilized for your class, it may be best to discuss an alternative platform with your class coordinator
  4. When you have reduced the quality to your desired setting, click on the Done button to apply your settings and close out of the Preferences dialog box